Fast and Furious 6: The Game – Tips and Tricks Guide, part 2: More hints, cheats and strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the Fast and Furious 6: The Game tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

Normally, the daily drag challenge, daily drift challenge and daily half mile challenge go away after one play, no matter if you win or lose. However, it’s possible to start over and win them every time. You have to have enough fuel to pull this off, but if you are losing the race, simply hit the pause button in the middle of the race and hit the restart button. You’ll use one fuel, as usual, but you’ll be able to restart the race as many times as you want this way until you win.

If you don’t have enough fuel to do the above, then pause the game and let your phone sit there for awhile until one fuel point regenerates (this takes a maximum of fifteen minutes). Then restart the race.

During any of the races, if you want to get off the line extremely quickly, hit the NOS the second after the race begins. You’ll have to shift VERY quickly in order to land a perfect shift from first to second gear when you do this, but if you can pull it off, this is the best way to beat more powerful cars. If the timing is too difficult to get down, then activate the NOS as soon as you hit second gear.

If you hit the NOS the SECOND that the race begins, then the camera will lock into place. If this happens, ignore the screen and simply concentrate on watching the tachometer. If you are in a drift race, then the camera will shift back when you go into drift mode.

Don’t spend your gold on buying style items. Some of the style items are glitched, and will instead cause you to earn no extra style coins after the race. Spend the gold on the performance upgrades, or on getting new and rare cars, and spend your coins on the style upgrades.

Once you run out of fuel, you can ask Facebook friends for more fuel. If you have no Facebook friends who play the game, then post an “add me” in the comment box below or look for people who already have, and add them.