FIFA 14 (iOS/Android): How to get more rare, silver and gold cards

The new iPhone, iPad and Android version of FIFA 14 adds an element of card collecting to the classic EA Sports football/soccer franchise in a manner similar to Big Win Soccer. Bronze cards are what you begin the game with, and silver cards are a great midway point for building your team. However, gold cards are the best cards in the game. Team of the Week cards are “shiny” version of bronze, silver, and gold, which are the best of their respective class of cards. Read on to find out how to get more silver and gold and rare cards!

The main way to get more of these cards is to buy silver and gold card packs in the store. Each one will come with a specified amount of gold cards of a certain type (players, contracts, fitness or training cards), and a specific amount of rare (shiny) cards. The more rare cards a pack has, the more it will cost. These packs can be bought with either coins or FIFA Points.

Getting more specific, you can spend coins in the transfer area for one card at a time. The more you pay, the more likely you are to find rare cards and high-rating cards, but in general, you can build your team much more quickly by specifying gold and silver player cards, as well as rare player cards. You can either bid on cards to save coins, or use “buy it now” to get instant gratification.

Check out all of the various accomplishments and goals in the Ultimate Team mode. Most of them pay coins, but many of them will pay you with silver and gold card packs. Complete these and claim your free card packs.

Compete in the tournaments as well, because many of the tournaments will earn you one or more free silver, mini gold or gold card packs in exchange for playing and winning. Not only that but you earn quite a bit of coins for completing tournaments, which, of course, can then be spent on more cards and card packs.

Sell cards that you don’t need, either in the instant sale or in the transfer marketplace, in order to earn more coins, which you can then use to buy new silver and (preferably) gold cards.