Game of War – Fire Age: FAQ, Wiki, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 4

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In addition to your hero’s boosts, you can also equip them with weapons, armor, shields, accessories and other equipment, all of which can be crafted using crafting materials. Crafting materials can be earned by attacking other people’s kingdoms, occupying higher-level resource tiles and clearing out all of their resources, by playing the casino and earning gold treasure chests, and via the alliance gifts. Once you earn crafting items, go to the forge or to the “craft” screen and pick out any of the recipes which you meet all of the requirements before, and you will be able to craft that item. Combine surplus materials in order to make even better materials.

You can buy boosts for your heroes too, as well as a ton of other things, using gold. Gold is the premium currency of the game, and if you look around, there are a huge number of boosts that you can buy using gold.

The game changes big time once you get into alliance play, but if you don’t either run an alliance, or have not yet founded your own alliance, the best time to do it is immediately, because alliance play is a bigger factor here than in most other games of the genre.

At any point in time, you can join an alliance. Creating your own alliance is a much tougher challenge, due to how difficult it is to recruit people to a small alliance, but later on in more advanced stages of the game, all of that hard work can be worth it.

Each alliance can have up to 100 members. Your alliance power is the combined power of all of the members of your alliance. In the short term, immediately after you join an alliance, you can begin to help out other members of your alliance in their construction and research. Go to the alliance help tab, or tap on the icon that looks like two hands in a handshake. After you begin your construction, you can hit the Help button next to the construction tracker to allow your alliance members to help you out.

Each time you help someone out, one minute is cut off of their time, and each time someone helps you out, one minute is cut off of your time to finish.

Click here for part five of the Game of War – Fire Age beginner’s guide!