Guide to Big Win Football for iOS: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Big Win Football is the latest game in the “Big Win” series for the iPhone and iPod Touch. This card battle sports game pits your team against other teams in the virtual/fake football league, allowing you to challenge other players and their teams, power up your cards, and get new, better and better cards for your deck in an attempt to become the best football team in the league. Read on for some tips and tricks for Big Win Football!

Before you jump into the Daily Big Bowl games, make sure that you have cards that can guarantee you a win every time. The best way to do this is to play a whole bunch of quick games to win coins, or watch videos to earn free coins. Ignore the bronze decks, save up, and buy silver decks to rapidly increase your team’s score. Add the silver players to your active roster, go and win even more games, and get coins for another silver deck, and before you know it, you’ll have a powerful enough team to start taking on the Daily Big Bowls.

When you are playing quick games for coins, though, put in your weakest players and don’t use any extra bonus cards, so that you have a low shot at winning. It takes a bit longer to get coins this way, but because you earn so many less fans for a loss, you’ll gain levels more slowly, keeping you playing against lower level players in the Daily Big Bowl (since it matches you against other players based on experience level, not based on team scores).

If you run out of energy to play more games, do this simple trick to get more energy. Go to your device’s date and time settings, then set the time ahead by a certain amount (a good rule of thumb is to set it about an hour ahead, maybe two hours), and then go back to the game and run your energy out by playing games again. This is also a good way to absolutely load up on bowl games in a short period of time.

Use those bowl victories to earn bucks, and then use those bucks to buy gold decks once you earn enough for them. Use the players that you get from those gold decks to power up your team even more so that you can keep placing first in the bowl games.

The complete guide to Big Win Football!

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