Guide to Death Drive: Racing Thrill for iOS: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Death Drive: Racing Thrill is a new mission based driving game for the iOS. None of the cars are real in the game, but they are all based off of real cars, from Mustangs to Porsche Panameras, while you take on missions such as delivering a code to stop a bomb on time, shooting down terrorists in cars, or other missions. Read on for some tips and tricks for Death Drive: Racing Thrill!

Much of the game revolves around finishing a particular stage as quickly as possible. This is true whether you just need to finish quicker in order to earn more money or whether you actually have a time limit on completing the stage. It’s extremely difficult to drive fast, though, so do the following in order to ensure a quick finish.

When you have a tight turn coming up, be sure to use the brakes to slow yourself down. Don’t slam on the brakes unless it’s a literal hairpin turn, though. Just tap them and then start your turn early enough that you’ll make the corner. And stay on the street. Dirt, snow and other surfaces will REALLY slow you down.

As soon as you come out of the turn, start hitting the boost again, no matter what the charge level is at, just to get yourself some of that extra torque coming out of the turn. Repeat the cycle of braking before the turn and using the boost in every straightaway and you should win easily.

If you want to make more money to beat a more difficult stage, go back and play stages that you have already beaten. You will still earn almost the same amount of prize money, and even more if you finish the stages more quickly or kill more enemies than before.

For missions where you have to kill an enemy to pass, if they are tough to kill and you reach the end of the stage but you need more time, ride the brakes, because they will usually slow down when you slow down, and speed up when you speed up.

User-submitted tips and cheats