Guide to Fantasica for iPhone and Android (part 2): Tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies – Battle and Quest Strategies, Attack and Defense Tips 2012090620120829 by Evan Heisenberg Welcopme to part 2 of the Fantasica strategy guide. Your free FULL guide to Fantasica for iPhone and Android Related Posts:How to play Fantasica for iPhone and Android (part 2): Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner's GuideHow to play Fantasica for iPhone and Android (part 3): Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner's GuideGuide to Fantasica for iPhone and Android: Tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies - the beginningHow to play Fantasica for iPhone and Android: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner's GuideFantasica for Android and iPhone: How to get more Luna and Fanta PointsFantasica for iPhone and Android: How to get more brave points and cards (units)Fantasica for iPhone and Android: How to get free premium and rare cards and artifacts Related