Guide to Whale Trail for iOS: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Whale Trail is a new endless game for the iPhone, where you play as the whale with the trail (not the fail whale!) and you go as far as you can, collecting blubbles (not a typo), racking up your score and earning krill (the currency of the game) as you go. You can buy upgrades and power ups which will help you increase your score, and even unlock new missions. Read on for some tips and tricks for Whale Trail!

There is a massive amount of missions that you can complete in the game which will earn you more krill. Before you play, read the missions menu to see which ones you have not complete yet. Complete as many of them as you can in one round, or dedicate entire rounds to one mission. For example, one of them requires that you earn exactly 484 points, and the way to do that is to simply do a backflip as soon as you can, then let go of the screen as soon as the flip finishes so that you fall straight down and off the stage.

Buy the multiplier upgrade first and foremost, because the higher your multiplier, the more krill you will earn (each 1000 points earns you 2 krill). The higher your potential multiplier, the faster your score will skyrocket. If you have an 8x multiplier that you earn from the Goody or that you buy in the krill store, use it right at the beginning of the round when you want to go for massive scores and tons of krill.

Wait until you upgrade your multiplier to about 12x before you upgrade anything else, because they won’t really make much of a difference in your score or your krill count until you do. After you have at least a 12x multiplier, though, they will add up to make a huge difference.

Unlocking the challenge stages is a great way to practice your accuracy and controls for the main stages, because they are far more difficult than the main stage.

User-submitted tips and cheats