Haypi Monster: The Lost Tower – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Haypi Monster: The Lost Tower is the second game in the Haypi Monster series by Haypi. In Haypi Monster: The Lost Tower, your goal is to climb the lost tower, as well as explore the world map, while building an ever-growing collection of monsters, coins and money. Read on for some tips and tricks for Haypi Monster: The Lost Tower!

Always plan ahead for what the next round of stages is going to be, and what the main enemy element will be. While you’re in the Miracle Sea, for example, prepare for the Volcano and Stone Vault by picking up at least one water type and sending them into the training area for quick level ups. This will prepare them for eventual tougher battles.

The training area consists of a whole bunch of different choices – you can train the monsters for more coins to earn the monster more experience points, or less for less, and the more expensive and effective the training, the longer the cooldown time. You can purchase a second training spot right away (use the same monster on both training spots one after the other for huge boosts), but to get the next two you will need VIP level 2 and 4, respectively.

If you want to unlock the Lost Tower, make it to level ten of the stone vault. Once you beat it, you’ll be able to enter, so power up your monsters massively to prepare them. If you want to do the most effective leveling, take your rarest monsters and use your EXP cards on them (you earn a ton of exp cards). The same is true for PVP battles – take one or two monsters, load them up with EXP cards and as long as you are not at a massive elemental disadvantage (to see the element chart, tap the Tips button), you’ll have an easy win.

Any time that you see a “!” flashing over an icon, that means you have a free gift to pick up. Also, if you want to earn free Coins (and other goods), tap the button next to the monster encyclopedia to open up the tasks page. Magic egg cards, which give you rarer monsters, are easy to earn by completing tasks as well. So is money, EXP cards and many other gifts.

To find more friends to add, go to the app store’s review page, the official Facebook page for the game, or even to the comment section of this article and either add people who have posted their friend IDs or post your own. The more friends you have, the more energy and gifts you can send and receive.