Heroes of Dragon Age: Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2- More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

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When you’re in battle mode, it’s typically easy to figure out if you are going to win or not. The opposing players with the smallest coin bonuses, the smallest trophy bonuses, and the largest trophy losses as a penalty for defeat, will be the easiest ones to beat. The more trophies you get, though, the tougher the opposing players that you will be matched up with, so if you get stuck in a rut, go back to the quest mode and level up your crew to get a better chance to win. Or consume/combine cards to do the same thing.

You earn runes as you go through the game. Use them when you have full energy and stamina, so that you can get the most mileage out of them, because they last only for a limited time. Runes which increase your stats, such as attack or defense, should be used when you are going through a series of tougher rounds, while runes that increase your earnings (gold, experience, etc) should be used at any point you choose.

If possible, try to put as many heroes of the same faction in your group as possible. They will have statistical bonuses in battle. Only do this if they are sufficiently close in power to your optimal group for the bonus to actually make a difference, though; otherwise, there won’t really be a point in it.

Use your gems wisely. If your party is lacking on rare characters, save them up until you get the 38 gems necessary to purchase a Champion pack. If your party is sufficiently powerful, though, a better use for them would be to spend them on energy and stamina, so that you can keep on playing for longer. Don’t buy energy or stamina, though, if you are close to gaining a level, because when you gain a level, your energy and stamina will be completely restored.

When you battle someone who is easy to beat and you want to battle them again, add them as your ally. You will be able to go back and battle them again at any point, regardless of what rank they are or how powerful they are.

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