Heroes vs. Hordes – Guide Part 3: Even More Tips, Cheats, and Strategies

Filling out the collection, which we have referenced a little bit earlier in this guide, is one of the best ways to not only earn bonus coins, but to earn free gems, which are very difficult to come by in this game. You can collect rewards in the collection area whenever you come across a new enemy, or boss, a new tome or skill, or whenever you defeat enough of one particular enemy to increase your star level with that specific enemy.

Once you unlock chapter 21, you will be able to embed your equipment with jewels. Jewels will augment the statistics of the equipment that you already have, often times, adding new perks beyond what the equipment gives. Try to fill all of your jewel slots just like you tried to fill all of the equipment slots early on.

You can also go to the gem cutter, which serves the same function for jewels as the blacksmith did for equipment. This allows you to merge identical jewels in order to get a jewel of the next highest rarity. This also unlocks when you reach chapter 21.

If the game is giving your phone performance issues, then one option that you can do is to go to the settings menu and turn off the performance sticker. This will decrease the graphics and the frame rate a bit, but if the game was previously overloading your phone or tablet, chances are that it no longer will be.

Most people who play this game tend to play without spending any money, but if you are the type of player that likes to spend money and make in-app purchases, then be aware of all of your options before you spend anything. Go through the store menu, and look at all of what special packages are available; these special packages of swap in and out very frequently, so, if you don’t like what’s available, then you can always look again some other time.

If there’s a day, where you don’t plan to play the game, be sure to briefly login anyways. If you can keep your login streak going, then you will be able to continue to increase your coin bonus, claim your free rewards, and claim other bonuses as well.

The weekly quest completion chests can be extremely lucrative, with the final chest even giving you 100 free gems, along with a ton of other bonuses, so save up your resources, whenever applicable so that you can get as many weekly points as possible by using your resources to complete quests all within the same week. Once the week is over, these quests will reset, so be aware of the time.

Be sure to look at the special holiday offers whenever they come up. Many of them contain purchase offers, but many of them will also give you massive amounts of free rewards; the recent Thanksgiving event, for example, gave away 200 free gems.

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