Hollywood U: Rising Stars – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide, Page 5

When you are hitting it hard on the main quests, sometimes you will have quests that don’t require you to do anything with your main trio of characters. In that case, you can either stick your trio (main character, Ethan and Addison) on side quests, or do the more recommended strategy: stick all three of them into the workshops. You’ll have quite a few times where you need to have a Level X Ethan/Addison/main character, and this will save you from spending hours waiting for them to finish.

Want an easy way to find people to link with without having fake Facebook accounts or scouring anything? Go onto Game Center and go through the leaderboards for Hollywood U: Rising Stars. Then start going up and down the lists and sending friend requests to everybody that you can think of. Once they add you back, you will be able to link them up to your characters.

Try holding parties in the Club VIP area with people even when they don’t have any combinations listed for partying. For example, there is no listed combination within the game’s Friends area of the store for the Pop Star and Fashionista when they party together. However, you never know what will pop up when you put them together.

Those ridiculous advertisement videos come up seemingly few and far between, and it’s easy to forget about them. Set a timer on your phone or tablet, though, to every two hours or so. That’s a good estimate for how frequently to come back to the game to find an available video to watch and if you follow it, it will lead to an eventually high number of diamonds.

Also, completely random crossover character types will be needed for quests at the most inopportune times, and if you get caught without, for example, a Wardrobe or Makeup friend in your lineup when you need one, that’s another several hours you’ll be out between the party and the admissions office. Have at least one of every one of the friend types for these purposes.

If for some inexplicable reason you run entirely out of quests to complete (yes, this is possible, but generally only for REALLY big Diamond spenders), have no fear because Pixelberry has shown with their other game, High School Story, that they will continue upgrading, adding new quests, new characters and new buildings for a LONG time after they release the game as a new game. If you do decide to delete the game though, make sure it is linked to your Facebook, your Game Center or both so that you can easily come back to it whenever you want to and get your old saved data back.

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