How to play Lords & Knights: Medieval Strategy MMO for iOS, part 3: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Continuing on from part 2 of the beginner’s guide to Lords & Knights, copper, gold, and silver are three precious resources that all have different uses. Copper, as previously stated, is necessary in order to make your spy missions successful, or else you won’t get any information. Silver is required for the purposes of taking over another kingdom. Gold is not required for anything, but it helps to speed up the game in a number of ways.

The keep is where you can trade resources for either copper or silver. Upgrade it, and you will be able to hold more of both, and to trade at a more advantageous ratio for each one. The market functions similarly except that it simply allows you to trade wood, ore and stone for each other, and allows you to train handcarts (and ox carts once upgraded past level 5) to carry goods home from battles that you win.

Alliances are where the game really starts to get deep. You can join a pre-existing alliance or begin your own. They are governed differently depending on who the lead player is; some are democracies, others are dictatorships. Each one has their own forum to chat with other members, and if you find other members, you can trade goods with them as well as map out battle strategies, and agree upon gathering points, where you and other players can pool their troops for one-sided takeovers of other players’ castles, or for massive alliance wars.

Go to the profile screen and you can check out all of your game center achievements, as well as buy more gold coins and change the notification settings in the game, and see how high up you are in the overall rankings for the game. Your “points”, as seen in your profile, depend on the levels of all of your buildings, combined. Your initial points level is 13, and once you upgrade your first building to level 2, it’s 14, and so on.

Logging out allows you to choose another world and begin a game in it. You can play in as many worlds as you want simultaneously, but your multiple profiles will not be able to help each other in any way. Oh yeah, and you can also change your nickname in your profile.

That’s about it. You should be set if you remember all of what was shared in this guide!

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