Welcome to the beginner’s guide to MLB Full Deck for the iPhone, iPod Touch and other iOS devices! In MLB Full Deck, you get to choose which baseball team to run, and because it is officially licensed by the MLBPA, you get to play using real players, real teams, and real team logos. It’s a fairly simply game, but it can get tough or complicated at times, so read on to find out all of the good things you need to know for playing MLB Full Deck!
As the game starts off, you will first find yourself playing in Season Mode. You can go to the Season Mode at any point by going back to My Page and hitting the “play season” button. Once there, you play the game one inning at a time by hitting the “Play X Inning” button, where X is the actual inning number that comes next.
Many things can happen when you play an inning. It can be the case where nobody scores any runs, you score runs, your opponent does, or both of you do. Sometimes, a situation will pop up where you need to choose between a power swing, a contact swing and asking the manager. As a general rule, look at your batter’s power and contact ratings and pick the button corresponding to whichever rating is higher; however, if you pay the diamonds (the premium currency of the game) and ask the manager, you’ll have a positive outcome every time.
You’ll earn experience and coins, and use up energy, for every inning you play. In addition, every so often you will earn a player card at a random time. The player card will come from the team you’re playing against, usually; for example, if you are playing the Yankees in the game, you’ll be more likely to win a card from someone who actually plays for the Yankees.
At the end of the ninth inning, whoever scores the most runs wins (obviously). If the game finishes in a tie, then you automatically win. If you win the game, then you’re more likely to earn a card or another prize.
Click here to go to part 2 of the MLB Full Deck beginner’s guide!
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