How to play NFL Shuffle for iOS, part 4: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to part 4 of the NFL Shuffle beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 3 of the guide.

Go to the manage menu and you can swap players out for each other. You can either do this automatically by hitting “auto lineup” or you can tap a player who is in your starting lineup to see which backup you want to replace them with. If you hit auto lineup, it will set both your offensive and defense teams automatically. You can also sell cards for money here, or set a team captain for offense or defense, which will give the captain card enhanced stats.

The Card Packs menu is where you can open up card packs. You can redeem any silver and gold ones, or your free daily card packs, or you can spend 250 gold for a premium card pack. You can get free premium card packs once every blue moon or so – the last one to be given away for free was given away in honor of the Ravens winning the Super Bowl.

Goals will show you a number of different quests that you can complete in the game, in exchange for prizes. Tap on each individual goal to see what the rewards will be for it, or go here to check for new goals after you complete old ones.

Go to the Mentor menu to enhance your cards. You can pick any card to enhance, and you can sacrifice up to 6 cards at a time that aren’t in your starting lineup in order to enhance them. The more a card is enhanced, the more the returns will diminish. Each enhancement costs money – this is the only thing that you will pay “money” (the primary currency) for in the game.

Go to the social menu and you can add friends using their friend numbers. You can’t find them in the game, but you can find them in places such as forums or app store reviews of the game. The more friends you have, the bigger of a bonus boost you’ll earn for your statistics.

That’s all for NFL Shuffle! Enjoy the game!

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