How to play Rivals At War for iOS and Android, part 3: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

One of the things that was mentioned in part 2 of the Rivals At War beginner’s guide was the fact that if a card runs out of tours of duty, your stats will drop in half. This will also happen if a card becomes critically injured in the middle of battle. Unlike with the tours of duty, though, all that it takes to heal a character is to pay some coins. However, if a character is not healed, then it won’t have any real effect in the quick battles, as you will simply be paired against weaker opponents to compensate for your lower team score.

In addition to the previously stated ways to get bucks and coins, you can get both of them for free, as well, by clicking on the plus sign next to either one, and then tapping on either the free bucks or the free coins icons. The free bucks icon will prompt you to sign up with tapjoy, which will bring up an offer wall for bucks. The free coins icon will prompt you to watch video ads, which earn you 300 coins piece.

With the quick battles, with each 10 battles that you win, you will earn a free standard card pack as well. This is only with battles that you win, though, not total battles. In addition, there are various achievements that you can complete by winning a certain number of battles, or doing other things within the battle, although these will not earn you any rewards. They’ll earn you Game Center cred, though.

For playing in the two campaign modes (regular and veteran campaign), your overall score depends on how many points you earn, not your ratio of victories to defeats. In regular a win counts as two points and a loss counts as 1, while in veteran a win counts as 3 and a loss counts as 1. So just by playing as many battles as you can, you can end up winning even if you lose frequently.

That’s all for the Rivals At War beginner’s guide! Have fun!

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