Iron Knights – The Ultimate Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Iron Knights is a brand new action RPG for the iOS and Android platforms. The battles take a page from some of the best in the genre on these platforms, but card-collection elements provide an entirely new level of depth to this game, with nearly unlimited varieties of equipment and fighters that you can get in your party. Read on for some tips and tricks for Iron Knights!

Auto battle mode is available here, just like in MMORPGs such as Dragon Bane or Dawn of the Immortals. The difference here is that the first time that you play a stage, it won’t be available, but it will when you play it back through. For easy gold and EXP farming, play old stages with the auto battle turned on until you run out of energy.

Your cards have up to six different levels of rarity, from the very common, yet not very powerful one-star cards to the almost impossible-to-attain but mind-bogglingly powerful six-star cards. Rare cards can be purchased in the store with expensive card packs, but your most common way of finding more cards will be battling and earning them as rewards.

Same thing is true for equipment cards, both as far as the star ratings go and for finding new equipment. Battle and grind to find more of them. Do this until your hero is fully equipped, then start working on your units. You have a maximum of four units in your party at a time, and each unit can have four pieces of equipment at a time. That makes for a huge template for improvement and customization even without rare units.

Upgrade your weapons, armor and accessories by sacrificing other equipment for it. Upgrade your units the same way. As your upgrade level gets higher, the chances of it working become lower and lower. As long as you have enough gold and sacrifice fodder, though you can try the upgrades as often as you want to.

There are many kinds of premium currency in this game, such as gems, horns, and medals. Go to the quests menu, find a quest or two, and complete them, and repeat until you have exhausted all of your doable quests, because quests are the easiest way to earn all three of these. Complete challenges and battles to earn all three as bonuses, as well.