Isolani – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Isolani is a new first person shooter by Scattered and DeNA. The game places you in a proto-apocalyptic setting where earth is gone, the entire universe is dying off, and only one star in the entire universe is giving off solar energy. From there, somehow it segues into shooting a bunch of robots. Read on for some tips and tricks for Isolani!

-There are two main goals in this game: shoot the robots that constantly attack you, and figure out where to go next by following the marker.
-You can shoot the robots from almost as far away as you want to. Aim at them correctly, and you can shoot at them before they even notice you and come after you.

-However, the robots tend to be easiest to kill when you’re at point blank range. Run at them fast enough, and you won’t take much damage on the way in. You’ll kill them so quickly that you won’t take much more damage after that.
-If you are in auto-fire mode, the gun will automatically shoot when you aim at something that’s destructible. Otherwise, you’ll have to aim and shoot yourself

-The challenges require you to find things that you won’t automatically find just by finding the markers. You will have to hunt them down yourself.
-The game’s currency is required to buy new weapons, but so is getting far enough in the game – for example, to episode two or three.

-Each stage has its own type of weapon – for example, the pistol, the assault rifle, or the shotgun. To buy a more advanced one of these types of weapons, you’ll first have to select the stage that the weapon is used at.
-Then, you can purchase a new weapon. Even if you are having success with your old weapon, your weapons each have an energy level, and once they run out, you can’t use them again until your energy is restored.

-As of this writing, episodes 2 and 3 aren’t available yet. There is nothing you can do to speed them along, other than just to wait for them to be released.
-However, you can replay old stages again to earn more and more of the currency, so that when the new episodes come (which will undoubtedly be more difficult), you can purchase better weapons as soon as you unlock them.