Kim Kardashian – Hollywood is, much to the chagrin of hardcore gamers the world over, the most popular mobile game on the iOS (and possibly number one on Android). Your goal is to become a famous celebrity with the help of Kim Kardashian, but it’s a long grind up from the E-list all the way up to the A-list. Read on for the top 20 tips and tricks for Kim Kardashian – Hollywood!
20: Try to get five stars on all of the assignments that you go on.
Modeling, shooting a video, shooting a movie or a TV show or even a commercial, or making appearances at parties. These are all things that you have to do, and when you do them, try to get five stars on everything. Complete as many actions as you can before the timer is up- if you get five stars before the timer runs out, you’ll end the assignment early, and the more stars, the more fans you’ll end up earning.
19: Accept an assignment only once you have a full energy bar.
This makes it much easier to five-star everything. With one-hour assignments, accepting them with empty energy may completely sabotage your chance at earning five or even four stars, so if you need to regain energy, go and do something else for awhile until your energy comes back. Then go to the assignment and accept it and complete it.
18: Look around the scenery in the game for free energy, cash, and experience.
Tap on anything that appears to be in the “foreground”. This uncludes stuff like mailboxes, suitcases at LAX, birds that are perched on walls, bicycles, motorcycles and signs. Many of them will earn you bonuses once every five minutes or so, often including energy, so flying from place to place to tap everything will often recover most of your energy bar when you are empty.
17: Take store jobs in order to earn some fast cash.
These, for some reason, actually pay more than the assignments do, so take a store shift if you need some cash. Like the others, accept these only if you have a full energy bar (usually), but if you’re accepting a longer shift this is more flexible. The more stars you earn, the more cash you’ll earn as a bonus for completing it.
16: Know how many fans you need to work your way up the various lists.
The E-list is where you begin, and to work your way up the D-list, you will need to pass 5,000 fans. To make it to the C-list, you will need to make it to 50,000 fans. The B-list will require 500,000 fans, and the A-list, the magnus opus of the “lists”, requires 5 million fans.