Kingshot: Walkthrough, Tips, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Kingshot is a new MMORTS for the iOS and Android platforms that puts you in charge of your own medieval kingdom, with you playing the role of the king. You can suppress rebellions, build residences and buildings to keep your residents happy, go out on quests, on the world map, join an alliance and try to take over the server, unlock rare and epic (SR and SSR) characters and upgrade them to extremely high levels, load up on free diamonds, and more.

Continue reading for a collection of tips and cheats for Kingshot!

An easy way to figure out what to do next and how to structure your daily grind, besides the quest button in the bottom left corner of the screen, is to look for the icons with the red dots next to them, because typically they mean that you either have a free prize to claim or an upgrade that you can do, or something new that you can unlock. Additionally, you can also tap the icon on the left side of the current quest to see what all of the other upcoming quests are, as well as the ones that you have unlocked for the current chapter.

Suppressing rebellions is done level by level, like the campaign in your typical gacha game. Once you pass level 30, though, you will be able to enable Auto Next, which enables you to go do other things while your battle party fights through level after level, automatically continuing until they come to a level that they can’t beat. You can also upgrade your heroes in the middle of their quests, so that they will continue to get even stronger while they’re fighting and make it through more levels.

There are many different ways to upgrade your heroes. Leveling them up is, of course, the most basic way. Star-up, of course, is the second primary way, and you will notice that your more common heroes earn shards far more quickly than your rare heroes from the summons, which, on some occasions, especially for free players, can make your more common heroes the strongest ones in your battle party at the time.

In order to get more residents, build as many houses as you can, and then once you’re maxed out, upgrade your Town Center in order to unlock the ability to build even more houses. Additionally, upgrade them to as high of a level as possible, and upgrade the furniture inside. Not only will this unlock more spots for residents, but this will also increase their happiness rating.

Besides upgrading the furniture in the houses, there are other ways to keep your residents happy. Tap the resident counter at the top of the screen to see their happiness levels, and then address the things that need to be taken care of. For example, if they are unhappy with the food, then upgrade your kitchen and the facilities inside.

Once you get far enough into the game that you can be attacked by other players, it’s usually best not to collect your resource rewards or use the resource items in your pack until you absolutely need them for a current construction project. If the individual items are still in your pack or waiting to be collected, then they can’t be stolen by other players, but if they get added to your resource count (food, wood, etc.), then other players can take them if they invade and defeat you.

If you are a pay-to-win player, wait to spend your money until you join an alliance. No player can dominate the server by themselves, no matter how strong they are, but maintaining empowering up your alliance can get very expensive very quickly, and if you waste your money beforehand, then you might end up running out before you’re able to contribute fully to your alliance.

User-submitted tips and cheats