Legend of the Cryptids iPhone Game Guide: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Legend of the Cryptids is a card based role playing game for the iPhone and iPod touch, much like the old browser based games of yore. You play as one of three elements of cards, taking your cards on various quests and battling against other players and their decks of cards. You can do anything from evolve and enhance your cards to setting up your decks properly so that you can win more battles, including battles with those who are above your level and strength class. For all else, read on for some tips and tricks for Legend of the Cryptids!

To set up a great battle deck without having any rare cards, first you should track down four other cards (besides your starter) that are the same element as your card. Build a deck with all of your cards having the same element, and you will get an attack bonus, in addition to your attack bonus for every card that uses the same element that you started the game with.

Even better, hunt down duplicates of the common cards of your same element and evolve them, and then once you have four evolved cards in addition to your starter cards, put them all in a deck together. Use other cards of the same element to enhance your cards after you evolve them, but NOT before you evolve them.

Whenever you need more common cards to use as enhancement fodder or simply to fill out a full deck of cards, go back to the earlier missions that you did in the game and start going through them again. The oldest missions in the game only take one single energy point to complete, so your chances of earning a new card increase exponentially compared to the later missions that you take on.

On go to my page, there is an offer for a rare card if you post about the game on Facebook. If you don’t want it in your feed though, set your app settings to where only you can see it before you post.