Make It Rain: Rich and Famous – How to get rid of the cops

Make It Rain: Rich and Famous features some massively annoying obstacles to success – mainly, the cops who are always trying to get at you in this game. The cops will come around at any random time, and when they do, you are slated to lose a lot of money and a lot of power. This is by far the most annoying part of the game, but there are a few ways to mitigate their effect. Read on to find out how to stop the cops in Make It Rain: Rich and Famous!

The main way to stop the cops is to focus on spending money on appearances and on merch, not on the entourage. The most annoying part about the cops is that when you spin poorly, they will take away much of your cash per hour earnings, which usually takes a LONG time to save up for, and you won’t be able to re-buy the upgrades at the same price as before. Cops can’t touch merch and appearance money, though.

When they appear, if you do not have any lawyer calls, tap the button right away in order for them to take away the least amount of money. However, let the game sit for awhile on the next screen (the one which tells you how much cash and $/second you just lost) and it will collect money at the old speed rather than the new speed. Use this to have a little bit of a cushion available before you hit the final button.

If you are going to use a lawyer call, save it for the very worst booby-prizes. Don’t use them for the “chill” spin or for the spins which actually earn you more money (as rare as they are). Use them for the spins which take away a huge chunk of your cash per second, especially when you are at a segment of the game where it is more expeditious to buy more entourage pieces than appearances.

If you are going to let the game sit there before you get rid of the popup and take the loss, set your phone’s automatic lock screen to off, so that the screen can stay on forever. Plug the phone in and let it sit for a long time while you collect loads of cash per second. When your game screen is minimized, you can’t collect cash (or when the screen is asleep) but when the game is up and the screen is on, earn away!

Unfortunately, though, there is no way to COMPLETELY get rid of the cops. Even if you minimize the game, or even delete the app and then reinstall it, the police popup will still be there, waiting for you to come back until you return and deal with the cops. Setting the time ahead or behind won’t work either, since the time lapse cheat doesn’t work on this game.