Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign – FAQ, Walkthrough, Wiki and Beginner’s Guide, Part 3

Welcome to part three of the Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part two of the guide.

Go to the tab that says “recruit heroes” and you will find a number of ways to get new heroes. Starter heroes can be purchased for 50 Hero Points apiece. A random standard pack can be purchased for 500 Iso-8, and a random heroic pack can be bought for 175 Hero points. New specific featured heroes can be purchased for 150 Hero Points apiece. The more you spend, the rarer the heroes are that you will end up with, and heroic packs give you the best chance at a three-star hero.

In versus mode, you can battle against the card decks of other players. You get three tries per player to beat them, and if you lose on the first or second try, their heroes’ health points will carry over to the next try. You’ll get rewarded in Iso-8 for beating another player, and your rank will increase, which has its own rewards that goes with it, such as new heroes, more Iso-8 and more Hero Points.

These battles differ a bit from the standard battles, in that they will take a turn after you do, and they will make combinations on the board and build up AP just as you do, which makes these battles a bit tougher. Supervillain battles in the single player mode are also fought in this manner.

To buy more hero points and AP, tap on the “plus” sign that’s next to the currency counters, and you’ll be presented with a number of different packages. For Iso-8, the packages range from the 1 dollar Dead Drop to the 50 dollar Mother Lode. For hero points, the packages range from the 1 dollar Bugle Pittance to the 100 dollar Stark’s Salary. Various offers will pop up here and there which allow you to get a certain percentage of free currency when you make a purchase.

That’s all for Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign! Enjoy the game!