Meter Maid City – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Meter Maid City is an oddball new game for the iOS and Android platforms. You play as a rookie parking meter cop whose goal is to learn the tricks and tools of the trade and make as much money for the city as possible. Along the way you can pick up new tools for the trade such as boots and meter time tints, as well as trick out your scooter until it’s so amazingly fast it’s practically… a car! Read on for some tips and tricks for Meter Maid City!

The time tints are very poorly explained by the tutorial, so it takes a bit to figure out how to use them, but I’ll tell you how. Stick them on a car, and what color do they appear? White. Check the color later. Are they white? Still need time. Are they yellow? That means that 15 minutes have gone by. Once they turn red that means that 30 minutes have gone by. So keep an eye on their colors.

Catch a serial parking offender by sticking a boot on their car. To make it easy to figure out which is which, use the DMV database to track them and their car will be outlined in orange. First, stick a boot on them, and then call the tow truck and get the hell out of the way so that they can tow them.

Before you do that, first, there are some ways to make it a whole lot more lucrative to catch a serial parking offender. Go to the endless levels and ticket the hell out of them – spoiler alert: tickets will remain unpaid. Then, go to a timed shift – a difficult one especially, as these practically require you to have a lucrative offender. Then catch them, boot them (or use the EMP bomb or the invisibility cloak to get them), call the tow truck and make all kinds of money.

Upgrade your scooter in order to make it easier not only to get away from the cops after you crash too much, but to beat the cops in the bonus races. When you are doing the actual racing, the best way to beat the cops is to take the corners as tightly as possible. Any time that you are in a turn where there are blank parking spaces, take the turn in the parking space area (as tight as possible).

Place your routes so that you spend as much time in between buildings as possible (for double the parking spaces to ticket). Concentrate on the timed spaces more than the color coded meters as these pay more – double the pay for 15 minute meters and quadruple the pay for 40 minute meters.