Mini Pets for iPhone: How to get free gems and coins

In Mini Pets for the iPhone, a game by the makers of Sketchman, there are two different forms of currency. One of them is coins, which are the main form of currency, and with coins, you can buy most of what you need in the game. Gems, however, are the premium form of currency, and normally you have to buy them with real life money. There are some ways to get both of them for free, however. Read on to find out how to get free gems and coins.

There are a few ways to get free gems. One way to do so is to complete certain quests in the game. To see your quests, click on the trophy icon in the upper right corner of the main screen – this is the quest menu. Each quest in the menu will say what the reward is – many of them are gems. You also get free gems every time you level up.

In addition, when you feed an animal, find the food they want and feed them AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. If the time meter is still in the green by the time you find the food, then you will have a chance at earning a gem bonus once you complete the feeding. That bonus also happens if you adopt a pet – you sometimes will get a gem as a bonus.

To get free coins, click on the gem icon in the top corner of the screen (ironically) and then when the gem menu opens up, go down to the button that says “Free coins”. You can also find this same button if you click the coin icon in the main screen. Once you get there, then watch a video and you will earn 125 free coins. Do this as many times as you want.

In addition, any time that you see an animal running around your game screen, tap the animal and you will get free coins (most of the time) for “adopting” the animal.

2 thoughts on “Mini Pets for iPhone: How to get free gems and coins”

  1. Hopefully it will work because I have been searching for a hack that actually works


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