Monster Strike – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Monster Strike is known in Japan as “the game that saved Mixi”, a social network that was going down the same way MySpace did in America, at least until this came out. It was originally a Mixi game, but is now an iOS/Android game as well. You battle in a Pinball and Angry Birds-esque system that adds a unique twist to the mobile RPG formula, collecting coins, orbs and monsters as you go. Read on for some tips and tricks for Monster Strike!

There are a number of techniques, both basic and advanced, that you can use in battle. Such examples include the use of bump combos, which are triggered when you bump one of your teammates, which causes shockwaves that hit multiple enemies. Also, strike shots are special shots which can be activated when the bar surrounding your monster’s portrait fills. Tap the portrait to change it into a strike shot.

If your monster has a gauge strike ability, then when you begin to use its strike shot, the gauge strike bar will fill and empty, and when you let go, it will stop. Let go when it’s completely full to get the entire impact of the special move. Sync Strikes, on the other hand, are the craziest technique, the most insane and the hardest to activate.

Only certain monsters have sync strike, and if you have one, they should be your leader. Then, one of your non-leader monsters needs to have their strike shot ready to fire off. In addition, your team’s HP must be 1/3 of its max HP or less. Then and only then can you trigger a sync strike.

Evolution and ascension are ways to increase the rarity and stats and/or change their form. For evolution, their level has to be maxed out. You need to right combination of material monsters as well as catalysts (the hilariously named “stoans” and “sharls”. Seriously, stoans and sharls?) to trigger either the evolution or the ascension – whichever the monster is capable of and whichever you are going for.

Pay attention to each monster’s “luck”, or the cloverleaf next to their name because that means that they are either lucky, unlucky or somewhere in between. Better luck means a better chance of getting rare drops from playing co-op and single player mode.