Mortal Kombat X (iOS/Android): How to get silver and gold rare fighter cards

Mortal Kombat X for the iOS and Android, unlike the console versions, de-emphasizes the complex fighting in favor of simple swipe controls, instead placing the emphasis on card collection (or kard kollection, in this game’s cheesy Kardashianesque parlance). You can collect bronze cards, most of which are basic characters who are nameless and faceless, or you can go for the silver and gold cards consisting of characters critical to the canon and Mortal Kombat classics. Read on for some tips on how to get the rare silver and gold cards in Mortal Kombat X!

The most basic way to do so is in the store. Go to the kard pack section of the store and you will find many packs for purchase. The best of the packs is the Kombat pack, which will earn you one gold character plus two other random cards (with a chance of another silver and gold card or two!). The Kard Pack contains one silver character plus two randoms while the Alliance Pack contains a random with a chance at a silver or gold.

Go to the Character section of the store and you can pick out specific characters – and unlike the kard packs, these cost mostly koins rather than Souls. Scroll to the right a bit to find the silver cards, and scroll even further to the right to find the gold ones. Some of the gold ones cost koins while most of them cost Souls to purchase.

If you want to get characters outside of the store, mostly rares, one of the ways to do so is in Challenge Mode. Challenge Mode contains an opportunity to win a unique featured character if you win a specific battle. All of the towers within the challenge mode must be beaten before the time-limited event ends. It’s suggested to put all of your energy into these sorts of events.

Daily events will give you similar rare rewards. You have to play in the single player mode for a little bit in order to unlock them, but once you do, you will be able to play daily towers, with a chance at rare characters as a reward. Guest character towers also have a slim chance at these kind of rewards. Join a faction or a ladder tournament for a similar chance at good rewards.

Be sure to buy or rent the console version of this game so that you can link the two up. Actions completed in the console version can earn you a TON of koins, as well a large number of bonus characters to play with. You will need to connect to a WBPlay account to make this happen but once you do, you can earn big rewards from the konsole (groan…) version of the game.