My Muppets Show Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

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When you use Harv-E to try to synthesize new muppets using two pre-existing muppets, usually you’ll end up with a Durwood Clapper. This may seem like an unwanted gift, but if you fill your entire dressing room with Durwood clappers, you can earn MASSIVE amounts of coins. Fill your whole dressing room with Durwood Clappers, and dismiss them only when necessary for hiring a brand new muppet.

Dismissing a Durwood Clapper is also a great way to earn some quick coins. Dismissing one will earn you 4,500 coins, and they don’t take long at all to synthesize and place on your stage. That’s an average of 4,500 coins every hour if you synthesize one clapper per hour. And hey, you’ll find some rarer Muppets every so often too with all of that Harv-E usage.

Upgrade both of your concession stands as quickly as possible. When you upgrade them, you can then cook Spaghetti or Bacon and Eggs, which earn you 500 food in 1 hour and 1,500 food in three hours, respectively, which makes them by far the quickest ways to get more food.

When buying decorations, go for the decorations that multiple muppets like first, and you’ll increase the happiness of every muppet who likes that same decoration all at the same time. For example, both Animal and the Durwood Clapper all like the drum set, so if you buy one single drum set, every single one of them will then have an increase in happiness.

If you want to zoom out far enough that you can look at the whole stage (which you can’t do right off the bat), go to the options menu and put a check mark by “Increase Zoom Range”. If you do this, you will then be able to zoom out so far that you can fit the entire stage on your screen.

To find the list of achievements (which can earn you free diamonds), go to the goals menu and then look at the top. Tap the Achievements tab to tab over, and collect any of them that you may have finished without even realizing they were there.

Click here to continue on to part 3 of the My Muppets Show tips and tricks guide!