NanoRPG – Tips and Cheats: The Ultimate Strategy Guide

NanoRPG is a bizarre new role playing game (blended with endless games and platformers) that fans of indie weirdness are sure to enjoy. This game distills the very essence of the RPG into the most minimalist form possible, with only the random battles and the snappy quotes from the hero left over after everything is culled. This results in a rather strange yet fun and addicting game. Read on for some tips and tricks for NanoRPG!

Your goal is to get as far as possible without dying, and to do this you will have to strategize majorly. Know when to flee from a battle and when to fight the battle. Most of the time, of course, you should fight the battle. Fighting and defeating an enemy will get you experience points, which go towards level ups (which make you stronger) and coins, which you can then use to buy more energy and potions.

Experience points don’t carry over if you gain more than is required for the next level. For example, if you have 45/60 EXP and gain 25, those 10 extra are gone, so you won’t have a head start on the next experience level. For this reason, if you know you aren’t going to gain another level before reaching the boss dragon, then flee up until you get to the dragon, which is always an instant level-up if beaten.

Always go for the full life-up for 100 coins over a potion whenever possible. Every potion costs 100 coins, but each one only restores only 10 hearts. Always make sure to have full health before you fight the boss, as well, as well as any tougher enemy (such as the skeleton) that you wish to battle against.

An enemy’s attack will do the exact same amount of damage every time, with no variations. Their attack power, minus your defense rating, will be the damage that the attack does. Use this to figure out how many hits you have left until you die, and minimize your use of potions if possible in order to save coins.

One of the great things that you can use coins for is the Arena. When you get an arena popping up on your screen, you will be able to spend 100 coins for 50 experience. If you’re loaded for bear with coins, then you can potentially gain 2, 3 or even 4 levels right here, making the at least next dragon (if not the next two or three dragons) far easier to defeat than they otherwise would be.