NFL Shuffle for iOS: Part 2 of the Guide to the Gridiron Competition

Welcome to part 2 of the guide to the NFL Shuffle Gridiron competition! Click here to go back to part 1 of the Gridiron guide for NFL Shuffle for the iPhone!

To see how long the current competition has left before it finishes and a new one begins, tap on the menu screen. At the top right area of the screen you’ll see a countdown, which pertains to the gridiron competition. After this timer is up, an entirely new one will begin, and all of the rankings will reset, so if your goal is to be number one in the rankings, then your best bet is to wait until the current one is done if there’s not much time left in it.

One other chance to earn major bonuses comes with the “drive”, which is a winning streak accomplished within a certain amount of time. After you win a game, you have 10 minutes to begin another one, and then if you win it, the “drive” increases to 2. The drive counter resets with every subsequent win, and the longer your drive, the bigger your rewards will be. Your rewards will include gold card packs, event tickets and even gold. If you lose, the drive is reset at 0 wins. Note that you have to start the game within 10 minutes, not win it – after you start it, you can let it sit for as long as you want before winning, and then once you win, the drive counter will add another win and reset back to 10.

Before you begin your gridiron match, but after you hit “Play Gridiron”, you will be able to choose from one of three opponents, who are ranked in order from easy to hard. Sometimes, through, the medium one will be easier than the easy one, because they are based off of total ranking points, and oftentimes the easy one is a player who has never even played in the gridiron round before.

That’s all for the Gridiron guide to NFL Shuffle! Enjoy!

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