Plants vs Zombies 2: All Plants Guide Part 3

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Chili Beans give zombies some serious gas, causing them to slow down. They cost 50 sun and are found in Wild West 3. Using plant food on them causes them to launch out three other beans.

Lightning Rods shoot lightning at a zombie at close range, which then bounces off and hits nearby zombies. He’s found in Wild West 5 and costs 125 Sun. Using plant food on it sends an entire thunderstorm at zombies. Tall-Nuts are found in Wild West 6 and are essentially Wall-Nuts with double the armor. They cost 125 sun each. Using the plant food on them strengthens their shells even further.

Pea Pods are like Peashooters, but you can plant up to five of them in one space. They are in Wild West 7 and cost 125 Sun. Plant food causes it to turn into a huge Peashooter and do massive amounts of damage to zombies. Melon-Pults launch exploding watermelons at zombies. They cost 325 sun and are found in Wild West 8. Using the plant food on them causes them to launch double-strength melons.

Winter Melons are essentially Melon-Pults, but they freeze Zombies as well, and cost 500 Sun. They are behind a locked gate in the Wild West area. Plant food does the same thing as with Melon-Pults, but with the added freeze bonus. Squashes will squash a zombie in the adjacent square, then disappear. They cost 50 sun and can be bought for $2.99 in the premium store. Plant food causes them to squash two zombies at random. Imitators cost $2.99 and imitate another plant, allowing you to have two slots dedicated to the same plant at the same time. Sun and Plant Food depend on which plant is imitated.

Snow Peas are like Peashooters with a freeze effect. They cost $3.99 and cost 150 Sun. They slow all zombies in front of it down, and then fire a ton of peas at them, when you use the plant food on them. Jalapenos knock out an entire line of zombies when you place them. They cost 125 Sun and can be purchased for $2.99.

Torchwoods set peas that pass through them on fire, increasing the amount of damage that they do. They cost $2.99 and plant food can’t be used on them. They cost 125 sun. Power Lillies make one plant food appear, then they go away. They cost 175 Suns and cost $2.99 in the store.