Pocket Knights: How to get rare hero cards and rare gear cards

Pocket Knights is a new card collection game that has plenty of RPG elements to keep the action fresh. One thing that hasn’t changed from past card battling games, though, is that you have common cards and rare cards that you can collect. Three, four, five, and six star cards are far more rare but far more powerful than the one and two star cards, and this goes for both hero cards and gear cards. Read on to find out how to get more of both!

The main way to earn rare hero cards is to go to the summoning screen and perform either a special summon or a supreme summon. These require one summon voucher and five summon vouchers, respectively; however, special summons will earn you 2- to 4 – star heroes and supreme summons will earn you 3–6 star heroes.

Pieces of rare hero cards and rare gear cards will appear fairly frequently as rewards for such things as completing quests, checking in every day, gaining levels, and completing an entire album. Rare card pieces can be used to make rare cards. After you get card pieces, go to the warehouse and tab over to “combine”.

Tap on any of the hero or gear card pieces to see what you need in order to complete them. You will need a certain amount of piece cards for materials, and sometimes you will even need another card as well. Look in the lower right corner of the piece card’s picture in the “materials” slot and you will see a red number showing you how many of that hero piece or gear piece you need.

You can earn various card pieces by questing in the tower and the world, increasing your rank at the arena, and countless other methods which can earn you rewards, even including daily check inns. Also, go to the warehouse and open any treasure chests and treasure bags that you have earned, as many of them will contain either card pieces, Summon vouchers, or even diamonds, which then can be used to buy rare cards, card pieces, and summon vouchers.

Gain experience levels until you unlock the market, as this will also become a great source for rare card pieces. Participate in all the events that you can, because sometimes the rewards from the events are better than any of the other rewards.