Pocket Knights: Top 10 Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the Pocket Knights top 10 tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

5) Any time that something is flashing red on your main screen, check it for a free reward.
This applies to anything that is flashing red, including the event hall. You might sometimes have to dig through tabs in order to find bonuses, but this is a way to very rapidly earn more diamonds, gold, energy stones, energy, action points, and other goodies, such as items and character cards.

4) Go back to tower stages that you have already completed to do tougher versions of each chapter.
You can do each chapter up to five times, with the battles and the bosses becoming tougher and tougher each time that you play them. The fifth and final boss will be extremely difficult, but will provide the best rewards.

3) Beat the elite dungeons in the world map for large rewards, as well.
Save your friend invites (Facebook friends or random) for these elite ones, except when you need them to three-star a normal dungeon stage. You need VIP in order to play the dungeons more than once a day, but spend as many of your action points as often as you can. Keep going until you run out of friends to use in battle with you, but by then you’ll have already racked up enough bonuses, pal points and quest completions to keep you busy for awhile.

2) Save up your courage, take it, and use it to complete the event dungeons and fight the event bosses.
You earn courage points as you quest through the normal dungeons. Before the event dungeons open up, you might wonder what they are for, but after you open up the event dungeons, you will be able to use them all to quest through, increase your event score and ranking, and earn all kinds of rare rewards, some of which are completely unavailable anywhere else.

1) Don’t forget about the quests!!
Yep, going old-school and running through the quests as quickly as you can is by far the best way to earn gold, diamonds, and most importantly, experience points. If you have gotten fairly far while completely neglecting the quests, go and start following the main quests and the sub quests in order to rapidly gain experience points. If you are still new to the game, then follow the quests from the get-go in order to progress quickly through the game.