Pull Pull Pull Heroes – Tips, Cheats, and Strategy Guide!

Pull Pull Pull Heroes is a new iOS and Android game that plays similarly to a modified version of Plants Vs Zombies, where you put out a collection of heroes of different rarities, ranging from common to rare to epic to legendary to mythic, in order to beat the enemies. Each stage has its own challenges and its own bosses, which usually have humorous quotes before you begin the level. You can unlock new equipment, new heroes and hero cards, talismans, get free diamonds, and a whole lot more.

Continue reading for a collection of tips and tricks for Pull Pull Pull Heroes!

When you are in the main screen, be sure to follow the red dots, because if you see a red dot over an icon, that means that you have either a free reward to claim, something new to look at, or you can upgrade something, such as heroes and equipment. Following the red dots can help to ease the daily grind because then you won’t have to think about what to do next.

You can upgrade your equipment in order to increase the equipment level, and forge your equipment in order to increase the rarity. Upgrading the level of the equipment is the best bet because the level transfers to any other piece of equipment that you might replace it with in the same slot. Forging your equipment is good, but when you get to a high enough stage that you unlock higher tier equipment, then your forged equipment of a lower tier can become useless.

When you are battling, be sure to enhance the power of each different hero rarity, because all of the different rarities will be on your battle board at some point before the round is over. Your common heroes will be somewhat useless if you don’t enhance them, so you’ll just have to put up with having a bunch of them on the screen, but if you enhance them, then that increases their attack power massively, and actually makes flooding the board with common heroes a viable strategy in order to defeat mobs and bosses.

Be sure to click on the galleries of your heroes, your talismans, and any other archive you might find. Every time that you unlock a new hero or talisman, you will be able to get free diamonds, which are the premium currency of the game, simply for viewing the new entry in your archive. Diamonds are one of the ways that you can unlock more mythic heroes, making it important to get as many diamonds as possible.

Anytime that you play the gacha, you can unlock new shards for common, rare, epic, and legendary heroes, so play the gacha as often as possible. Plus, if you unlock more than five things at a time, you get a free turn at it. You can earn more gacha coins, as well as hero shards and treasure chests, along with other rewards, by playing in the cooperative play mode.

The goal of cooperative play is to do more damage than the other player, and enhancing your common heroes is a very good strategy here. Be sure to also upgrade the rarity chance, so that you have a better shot of unlocking rare, epic, and legendary heroes right off the bat, without having to merge them. Unlocking mythic heroes also requires you to have a certain amount of others on screen, so this will help you unlock more mythic heroes as well.

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