Race Team Manager – Guide: Tips, Cheats and Strategies

Race Team Manager is a new iOS game that turns the idea of a traditional racing game on its head a bit. Rather than controlling the race car driver the whole time, you’ll take charge of the whole team, from the driver to the mechanics in the pit, responding in various situations, while attempting to do so in such a way as to give your team the best chance of winning. Read on for some tips and tricks for Race Team Manager!

When your car is driving during a race, its service level will drop further and further, and if it hits zero, your car will need a full rebuild, meaning that it will take quite awhile before you can race again. Time (or gold) is what increases your service level when it drops, but you can cheat and set the time ahead on your phone in order to get your service level back right away.

About an hour or two should do for restoring it. When you go back to the game and see it restored, you can then, if you want, go back to the time settings and set your time back to normal, and then when you go back to the game your service level will still be the same as it was (full).

During a race, you can choose whether to drive aggressively, cautiously or balance it out. The more aggressive, the faster you drive but the faster your tires and gas get used up. Your best bet is to set it to aggressive when you are way behind and set it to cautious when you finally reach first place.

Also, set it ahead no matter what whenever you are very close to winning the race, so that you can run aggressively when tires and gas are no thing. However, your service level drops faster when your driving is set to aggressive, so watch out for that as well.

Upgrades to your car will have specific effects in different situations – for example, more power will help make slipstreams easier, as will lighter weight, while turning scenarios will be made easier by increasing handling. More importantly, efficiency and better tires will keep you out of the pits, allowing you to be far more aggressive. Only buy upgrades as needed, though, so that you can save money for a new car on the next circuit.

The main difference between the cars that you have available in any particular circuit, lies solely in which one of the three initial stats is boosted. As you purchase upgrades, the stats will increase correlating to what you buy, and once you are fully upgraded, all three stats will be equal no matter what the car.