Robot Unicorn Attack 2 FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Robot Unicorn Attack 2! This is a follow up not only to the successful original for the iPhone and Android, but to a series of similar browser games on the Adult Swim website. It’s the ultimate in cheese – a rainbow-fettered unicorn robot running in a fantasy background full of dolphins, narwhals and rainbows, with power metal and synth pop playing in the background. Read on for the beginner’s guide to Robot Unicorn Attack 2!

The game begins in a simple and very straightforward manner. You’re shown which missions you have to do in order to rank up, and then you’re set off on the first of three “wishes” (rounds of the game) in order to complete them. The missions are worth a certain amount of stars and once you get five stars, you’ll level up.

The controls are simple. The unicorn runs on its own, and you have to hit the left side of the screen to jump and the right side of the screen to dash. You’ll come across many things while you are running. Coins (the blue things) are the currency in the game, and while they can’t be used right at the outset, once you hit rank six, the upgrade store will open up. More on that later.

Other things that you collect are fairies, jumps through rainbow rings, and stars and giants that you have to dash through. These will earn you points (which you also earn based on which distance you run) as well as to help you complete the various missions that you have to complete.

Each time you gain a rank, two things happen. The first thing that happens is you earn a substantial amount of bonus coins. The higher that you rank up, the more bonus coins that you earn. The second is that you unlock new things. For example, you unlock the customization store and the ability to pick between Team Inferno and Team Rainbow.

Continue on to part 2 of the Robot Unicorn Attack 2 beginner’s guide!

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