Robot Unicorn Attack 2 Tips and Tricks Guide, part 2: More hints, cheats and strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the Robot Unicorn Attack 2 tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

Some of the different missions that you have to complete to rank up are so easy to accomplish that you can do them in the first wish, despite having 3 wishes per round to accomplish them. If you complete every single one of them in the first round, then you can just let your unicorn crash as quickly as possible in the second or third wishes in order to rank up and get your bonuses quickly.

If a trail of coins, fairies, rainbow rings or something else that’s in between two platforms goes straight, rather than arcing up, then it makes it tough to collect any of it by jumping. Instead, dash right when you hit the end of the platform. You’ll dash straight across the gap (rather than falling), and you’ll collect every single bit of it.

Watch out for the giants, as they will kill you if you don’t handle them right. As soon as you see their lasers zap you, start dashing, because their lasers can’t hurt you if you’re dashing. Keep dashing until you either dash through them or dash over them. Once you pass them, they won’t be able to stop you, until you come across another giant.

Another reason to join the larger team in the game is that you unlock community goals, and some of them require the entire team to complete them (e.g. jumping through a total amount of rings, collecting a total amount of fairies, etc). These goals will level you and the entire team up faster, so the quicker that they’re completed, the quicker that you can rank up, which is especially important if you want to unlock the Ice World quickly without spending coins to do so.

You can unlock the Ice WOrld once you hit rank 15. The simplest way to rank up quicker, aside from the tips stated in this article and in part 1, is simply to buy upgrades in the customization store that will speed up your unicorn. Buy the faster horses especially, but anything that will increase your horse’s acceleration and dash speed will go a long way towards speeding up your horse.

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