Sniper: Traffic Hunter – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, How to Beat, and Strategy Guide

Sniper: Traffic Hunter is a new game for the iOS and Android platforms where your goal is to do one thing and one thing only: sit on a hillside and shoot at cars, blowing them up, and try to shoot as many as possible within a one minute span. You can use all kinds of weapon upgrades to increase the amount of shots that you can fire, and thus how many cars you can blow up. Read on for some tips and tricks for Sniper: Traffic Hunter!

Don’t zoom all the way in or it will be difficult to aim your scope. Zoom in only as much as you need to in order to be able to accurately target cars. If you are playing on a bigger screen, such as an iPad, you’ll likely not need to zoom in as much as you would otherwise, so if you have a larger device and a smaller device, play on the larger device for the best chance at high scores.

After the round ends, you can continue for free if you watch an ad or, if you do not have a data connection, after you pay one gem. After that, when the round ends, you will have the option to pay a gem to continue the round. After that, the round will end when time runs out no matter what.

Shoot cars one after the other and you will rack up a combo, adding one to the multiplier every time that you blow a car up. It’ll be 1 gold and 100 points, then 2/200, 3/300, 4/400 and so forth. The more upgrades that you have for your gun, the easier that it will be to make combos because of the ability to increase your firing rate and such.

The biggest difference-maker will be increasing your firing rate, which will allow you to recover and fire faster, or if you have a ton of coins, buying the semi-automatic rifle which will cause the firing rate to skyrocket. The clip size upgrade doesn’t make too big of a difference as reload doesn’t take all that long to do.

At the menu page there will be a button that allows you to watch a video in exchange for free coins or free gems. Depending on when you tap it, the game will offer you either 1 gem or 50 coins for completing the video. Watch as many of these as you can to earn a whole lot of free currency.