Spinner.io – Unlock all secret hidden skins in the game

Spinner.io is a game where a bunch of tops try to knock each other off of the stage. There is no monetary system, but there are a ton of skins that you can unlock in the game, all of which can be earned by completing various actions within the game. Read on for a list of all of the secret skins and how to unlock them!

Spiked Spinner: Play in one game to unlock this.
Outside Spikes Spinner: Play 10 games in total to unlock this.
Crown Spinner: Reach level 2 total.
Swirl Spinner: Kill 10 spinners in total (not all in one game).
Ninja Star Spinner: Kill off 25 spinners total.
Outer Buzzsaw Spinner: Reach level 5 total.
Four-Point Star Spinner: Play 25 total matches.

Water Drop Spinner: Play 50 total matches to unlock this one.
Moon Spinner: Watch one ad video to unlock this one.
Heart Spinner: Play a total of 75 matches for this one.
Hypnotizing swirl Spinner: Play a total of 100 matches for this one.
Yin Yang Spinner: Play 150 matches to unlock this one.
Balloon Spinner: Win a total of 90 matches for this one.
Pirate Cat Spinner: Play a total of 250 matches for this one.

Shield Spinner: Reach level 8 for this one.
Biohazard Spinner: Reach level 13 to unlock this.
Pumpkin Spinner: Win 50 matches total in order to unlock this one.
Eye Spinner: Kill a total of 35 spinners (overall, not in one round)
Fire Spinner: Kill a total of 50 spinners.
Skull and Crossbones/Jolly Roger Spinner: Kill a total of 75 spinners.
Nuclear Spinner: Kill a total of 100 spinners.

Army Rank Spinner: Reach level 20 total.
Islam Spinner: Reach level 10 to unlock this one.
Dollar Sign Spinner: Win 5 matches in all.
Pound Sign Spinner: Watch three ad videos to unlock this one.
Euro Spinner: Watch 5 ad videos for this one.
Yen Spinner: Watch 7 ad videos for this one.
Diamond Spinner: Reach Level 17 to unlock this one.

Stericycle Spinner: Win 25 total matches.
Bitcoin Spinner: Watch 15 total ad videos to unlock this one.
Lightning Bolt Spinner: Win a total of 150 games for this one.
Spiderman Spinner: Reach 200 total wins over time for this one.
Venom Spinner: Kill 500 total spinners to unlock this one.
Captain America Spinner: Watch 30 ad videos for this one.
Batman Spinner: Watch 50 total ad videos to unlock this one.

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