Spirit Stones: How to get more Rare and Super Rare cards

Spirit Stones is one of the more difficult card-collection battle games out on the App Store, meaning that it’s all the more important to get rare and super rare cards here. These are the cards that will form the cornerstone of your battle party, but they can be especially difficult to come by. Read on to find out how to get more rare and super rare cards in Spirit Stones!

You know those emblems that you can collect in battle and in certain quests? Make a match of six emblems and you can earn rarer and rarer cards. The first time you make a collection, you’ll earn an N+++ card, but the more collections you complete, the more rare the cards that you find get.

Any time that you earn a Random Box or a Super Random Box, you have a chance at earning a rare card from it. Plus, the silver card packs (the ones that you can purchase with gold or that you get for free once per day) have a slim chance at earning you rare and super-rare cards. Don’t count on it being a thing, though – most of the cards will be normal cards.

Make the most of that, though, by taking duplicate normal cards and evolving them. Two N cards will earn you an N+ card, two N+ cards will earn you an N++ cards, two N++ cards will earn you an N+++ card, and two N+++ cards will become a rare card when you evolve them. The same sequence is true for rare cards turning into super rare cards, although good luck getting sixteen of the same rare card.

Check out the missions menu to see how many of them will earn you cards as a reward. Missions have a chance at earning you rare cards. Also, participate in the Hellgate quests as often as you can. The more you participate, the higher your rank, and you can earn rare and super rare cards as a reward for this.

Start adding friends’ codes for a chance to win rare cards. The first and tenth friends that you add codes for will only earn you princess cards; however, upon entering card number twenty, you’ll earn a super rare card. Also, check the rank menu for rewards based upon your battle rank – the higher the rank that you achieve, the better the rewards that you can earn.