Star Girl: Moda Italia Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Star Girl: Moda Italia is a new game for the iOS and Android platforms that allows you to play in a world where fashion is the only thing that matters. Your character is a girl who is always engaging in modelesque poses, and you get to interact with other girls who are always engaging in modelesque poses, as well as buy new clothes, date celebrities, do jobs to earn a salary, and become the richest, most fabulous girl on the block. Read on for some tips and tricks for Star Girl: Moda Italia!

Going to the job center is one of the top ways to earn money, and more money is always necessary to pay for your exploits. Choose your job based on how often you play the game. Do the short jobs if you don’t play that often, because they earn you the most money for the amount of time spent. Do the long jobs if you don’t or if you are not going to be playing for awhile for whatever reason, because you can collect more money and experience points later on.

Tapping posters and banners on the street will also earn you free coins and experience for doing absolutely nothing. Wondering what energy is for, though? It’s for two things, mainly. The first thing it’s for is for flirting with a guy who could potentially become your boyfriend. Use your energy to flirt with them as much as possible, because you won’t use it anywhere else. Coins are good too, though. Go to clubs and coffee bars to find new guys to flirt with.

However, save your energy for the mini games. Each mini game that you play costs a certain amount of energy, and if you play them enough and score high enough in them you will earn gifts as a reward. Gain an experience level to regenerate all of your energy immediately.

Raise your charm by buying more clothes and adding them to your closet, even if you don’t plan on wearing them immediately. Also, connect the game to Facebook and you will be able to add people as friends, allowing you to have more maximum energy, therefore more flirting and more mini games before you run out of energy.