Steps is a new game by Ketchapp for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to go as far as you can, one step at a time, while avoiding the massive amount of obstacles that could crush, squeeze, destroy, or otherwise kill your cube. Along the way you can collect diamonds and use them to unlock new cubes to play as. Read on for some tips and tricks for Steps!
You are given three main goals in the game aside from earning the highest score possible. One of them is to complete missions. Missions consist of passing three different obstacles (such as moving platforms or spikes) a specific number of times. Another is to complete eight stages, collecting one of the letters at the end of the level. The third is to find the bonus letters until you spell the bonus word.
Completing any of these missions will earn you diamonds, which can be used to purchase a new cube. Sharing a gif earns you 50 diamonds, so if you want to earn quickly, die ASAP, share as a text message and paste your own phone number into the number slot, so that you text the gif to yourself every time. Repeat until you have enough diamonds for a new character.
You sometimes run across a cube that changes the color of your own cube. This makes absolutely no difference to the gameplay in any area except when you come up against a rival cube. Different colors get pushed back harder or can push back on their own harder, so the color that you pick can determine whether the other cube is easy or hard to push back against.
Hit the bar graph button to see who the global high score earners are. It’s surprisingly easy to earn a score in the thousands due to the mechanics of the game, so if your score is only in the 100s, expect to be rather low on the global leaderboards. So far nobody has managed to hack the scores, though, so all of the ones that you see are going to be legit.
There are currently 48 known levels in the game, which is how far the most-advanced player has progressed so far, but there are far more levels than that in actuality. That’s all of what’s been found so far, so if you can get a high enough score to get to level 49 and above, then you can be potentially the first to discover a brand new level.