Stomach Hurts and Flew Frisbee: Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies

Every once in awhile, something happens that requires your dear author to take a long hard look at what he’s actually doing with his life. That, or drink a LOT of beer to process it. Stomach Hurts and Flew Frisbee is one of these things, and to show how much I hate… I mean, love you all, I’m writing about it. I hate you, Eli Hodapp. This game has you controlling a nearly naked muscular man, having him squat under giant frisbees, but if he squats for too long, he farts and dies. Yes, this is real. Read on for some tips and tricks for Stomach Hurts and Flew Frisbee!

The fart bar at the side of the screen fills up gradually as you squat, so squat for as short of a time as possible. Only squat for as long as you need to to get your head under the frisbee. This will be a shorter squat for the faster frisbees, and a longer squat for the slow ones. Once you stand back up, the bar will start to drain again.

Look off in the distance to see the entire area that the frisbees are covering, so that you can time them. Fast frisbees will overtake slow ones, or rather, they will fly straight through them, and they will usually completely disappear into them, so that if you aren’t paying attention, they will sneak up on you. Watch them to make sure that you see when they will end up so you can duck under them and time them.

Your goal is to go for as long as you can, and your time is ranked by seconds. You’ll see your overall rank appear, the number lowering as the time increases, so make your goal based upon dropping that rank. Don’t stare at the time though, or you will end up getting distracted and losing or farting.

You can change the name that goes into the high score rankings at any point, but if you do you will need to put another high score in, because your old name will still stick around for your new high score.

If you want to make all of the ads disappear, your best bet is to stick the phone into airplane mode. Either that, or you can shut off the WiFi, the cellular data and the LTE signal, then play the game, and the game will go but the ads will disappear.