Super Battle Racers – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Super Battle Racers is a new iOS and Android game in which you and four other player-controlled characters race for dominance. It’s a side scroller much like Fun Run, but this one has much more of a story and actual elements of collecting currency, upgrading and generally making constant progress, making this a far more addicting experience. Read on for some tips and tricks for Super Battle Racers!

The number one way to make sure that you get the best possible results out of each race: Don’t get tripped! Time your jumps so that you don’t get stuck behind obstacles, don’t fall off ledges, and don’t get caught in traps set by other players. Of course, this is going to happen to some degree no matter what, but minimize it and your chances of prevailing will skyrocket.

Each character has a special move that involves riding an animal, and to ride yours, you have to maximize your star meter. Collecting stars is part of it, but hitting another player with some kind of a weapon will also increase your star meter. Hit the question mark bubbles and you’ll earn a weapon or a speed boost.

You can unlock even more of them, and upgrade your current weapon, once you unlock the weapon shop. The academy will allow you to boost your own skills (top speed, acceleration, defense, star power and energy recharge) and the monster shop will allow you to train your current monster as well as unlock new monsters. The ring shop will let you mold gems into a powerful ring, and the gold vault will allow you to collect gold simply for doing nothing.

Make use out of all of these buildings. Hoard your gold, and then try to have at least one upgrade at a time going in the monster shop, the academy and the weapon shop, while staying on the lookout for gems (of the same color) to make into rings and collecting the gold that builds up in the gold vault, as well as upgrading it so that it earns you even more gold at a time.

Look around the map for treasure chests for free diamonds (premium currency of the game). Also, go to the IAP store and tap the bubble that says “Check out offers for FREE diamonds!” You can earn diamonds for liking or following GameHive (the developer) on Facebook or Twitter, and you can bring up a TapJoy offer wall that has huge diamond earning potential.