Jungle Heat – FAQ, Walkthrough, Wiki and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Jungle Heat! Jungle Heat is a brand new smash hit MMO strategy game for the iPhone, iPad and Android. In Jungle Heat, you play in a Clash of Clans type of gameplay setting, in a world resembling a really cartoonish Vietnam War-era battlefield. You start off with a tiny […Read More]

Jungle Heat Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 3: Even More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part three of the Jungle Heat tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part two of the guide. Once you get to a high enough Command Center level where you can build two or three rally points, they might end up taking too much room in your base for you […Read More]

Jungle Heat – Defense Guide, Part 2: More on how to defend your base against even the strongest attacks

Welcome to part two of the Jungle Heat defense guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. As you can see, there are a LOT of options when it comes to your defensive strategy. You can’t unlock these options without upgrading the Command Center, though, so upgrade your Command Center as […Read More]

Jungle Heat – Defense Guide: How to defend your base against even the strongest attacks

Jungle Heat is like the Vietnam War era answer to Clash of Clans, but don’t expect a realistic war simulator here – this is definitely cartoonish fun. Your base is your center of operations. It’s where you train your troops and farm for resources, and it’s where you research new technologies to advance the cause […Read More]

Jungle Heat – Attack Strategies: Part 2 of how to destroy any base in the game

Welcome to part two of the Jungle Heat attack guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. Players are always more likely to place mines in their bases, so send in a couple of slashers or spies to get rid of the mines. Once you unlock the Gunners, send them in […Read More]

Jungle Heat – Attack Strategies: How to destroy any base in the game

Jungle Heat is a Clash of Clans-inspired game for the iOS and Android platforms, and true to the name, it puts you in charge of a military base in the jungle. There are thousands of other bases that you can attack – not only is there a single player attack mode in which you destroy […Read More]

FIFA 14 (iOS/Android) – Top 10 Tips and Cheats, Part 2

Welcome to the top five tips and tricks for FIFA 14! Click here to go back to tips six through ten. 5) Rack up the contract cards and the fitness cards. Your player cards might be the cornerstone of your team, but the contract and fitness cards are the cornerstone of your player cards. Without […Read More]

FIFA 14 (iOS/Android) – Top 10 Tips and Cheats

FIFA 14 is the newest entry in one of the longest running sports game series in the history of videogames, and the iOS and Android versions, despite being free-to-play, are more than worth the name that they inherit. There is a TON of gameplay in this game even without spending any money, but it is […Read More]

FIFA 14 (iOS/Android) FAQ, Walkthrough, Wiki and Beginner’s Guide, Part 4

Welcome to part four of the FIFA 14 beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part three of the guide. Card packs in this game, unlike in most games, are completely exclusive as to the type of card you get. If you buy a bronze pack, you get all bronze cards, if you buy […Read More]

FIFA 14 (iOS/Android) FAQ, Walkthrough, Wiki and Beginner’s Guide, Part 3

Welcome to part three of the FIFA 14 beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part two of the guide. Once you get into the game itself, the controls have more nuances than even most console games have, especially if you pick classic mode instead of touch mode. Pause the game and hit the […Read More]