Star Wars Force Collection: How to get more rare (three, four and five star) cards

Star Wars Force Collection is a new CCG for the iOS and Android platforms. You’re going to do a lot of missions, but the real meat of the game comes in battling against other players, and in participating in the event battles. Rival players and raid bosses are both going to be the toughest thing […Read More]

Nuclear Outrun (iOS/Android) Tips and Tricks Guide: Cheats, Hints and Strategies

Nuclear Outrun is the mobile adaptation of the popular flash game from way back in 2012. In this game you play as one of many survivors, driving a truck through a horde of zombies and other villains who are trying to kill you. It’s an endless driver game, but unlike most endless drivers, you don’t […Read More]

Paramon: Tips and Tricks Guide – Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Paramon is a new anime-style monster battle and collection game for iOS and Android by 4inch. Your goal is to build a team of monsters, like a cross between Pokemon and a card-battling game, to go on missions, and to battle your monsters against other players’ monsters. There are many levels in the Paramon, with […Read More]

War of Legions Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

War of Legions is a collectible card battle game by Ateam inc for the iOS platform, but it’s coming to Android as well. War of Legions places you in the middle of a war between the Legion of Order and the Legion of Chaos. You pick a side, and then your goal is to complete […Read More]

Where’s My Water 2: Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Where’s My Water? 2 is the new free-to-play sequel to the original smash hit physics puzzle game by Disney. This new version of the game features far more level variation, plus Swampy has some new friends that can tag along. Also, much like Candy Crush Saga, you can now connect to Facebook and play the […Read More]

Farm Story 2 Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Farm Story 2 is the new sequel to Farm Story by TeamLava for the iPhone and iPad, and eventually, for the Android platform. The Farm Story series is one of the biggest farming game franchises on the mobile platform, just as Farmville is for Facebook, and like Farmville 2, Farm Story 2 has now gone […Read More]

Throne Wars Walkthrough, Wiki, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide, Part 3

Welcome to part three of the Throne Wars beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 2 of the guide. Battling is where the gameplay really begins – you can grow your city and power it up all you want, but if you aren’t battling, then it doesn’t really matter much. You don’t get […Read More]

Throne Wars Walkthrough, Wiki, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide, Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the Throne Wars beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. City defense is accomplished through two things. The first building is the city guard, which allows your civilian population to become your militia. Once you build the city guard, you can research to increase […Read More]

Throne Wars Walkthrough, Wiki, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the walkthrough for Throne Wars, a new MMO strategy game for the iPhone, iPad and Android! Throne Wars is set in the medieval era, and in it you start off with a small village centered around a castle, and including various resource-producing buildings. Along the way, you will unlock troops to train, extra […Read More]

Throne Wars Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 3: Even More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part 3 of the Throne Wars tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 2 of the guide. Want to get more settlements for your kingdom? Upgrade Administration in your castle. Administration can be upgraded up to 5 times, and each upgrade allows you one additional city. This effectively multiplies […Read More]