Throne Wars: Attack Guide – How to destroy other players’ settlements

Throne Wars is a dog-eat-dog game. If you don’t dominate other players, you’re going to eventually end up being dominated yourself. When you begin the game, you’ll be a little fish in a big pond, but the stronger you become, the faster you end up turning into the big fish. Strategy is required as well. […Read More]

Throne Wars: Defense Guide – How to protect your kingdom and settlements

Throne Wars throws you right into the fray once you begin playing it. Unlike other MMO strategy games such as Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle for the North, Throne Wars doesn’t give you an initial protection time. Instead, your kingdom is fair game to be attacked right away, so the sooner that you figure out how […Read More]

Throne Wars: How to get more Gems, Silver, Food and Tech Levels

Throne Wars is a fairly new iOS game that adds a bit of 3D to the usual MMO strategy style of gameplay. There are many kinds of resources and currency in the game. Gems are the most premium of all of the currencies in the game. Silver is the second most premium currency, and acts […Read More]

Throne Wars: Resource Guide – How to get more wood, stone and iron

Throne Wars is a new 3D-tinged MMO strategy game for the iOS and Android platforms, and with the upcoming release of the iPhone 5s and 5c, don’t be surprised to see it get a LOT more downloads. Like all games of its type, Throne Wars has resources that are required in order to train troops, […Read More]

Throne Wars Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part two of the Throne Wars tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part one of the guide. There’s no bigger aggravation in Throne Wars then when you get invaded and end up losing most or all of your troops. Luckily, your militia will act as your defense while you […Read More]

Jelly Splash: How to get more Lives/Energy and Coins

Jelly Splash is a new game for the iPhone and iPad, with an Android variant coming out soon. It takes you through hundreds of levels, similar to Candy Crush Saga, but if you run out of lives, or energy, your play will come to a screeching halt. When you lose a level, you lose a […Read More]

Jelly Splash Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Jelly Splash is a new game by Wooga from the “match three” school of puzzle games. It’s currently out on the iPhone and iPad, with an Android version coming fairly shortly. It’s different from games such as Candy Crush Saga, in that instead of combos being made as soon as three or more jellies touch, […Read More]

Giant Boulder of Death Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2 – More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the Giant Boulder of Death tips and tricks guide! Click here to go to part 1 of the GBOD tips and tricks guide. After you hit spikes or a mine, but before you die, while you are still glowing red, you can still control the boulder before it blows up. […Read More]

Grepolis (iOS/Android) Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Grepolis is a veteran of the browser-game MMO scene, but now InnoGames has brought their hit to the iOS platform, with an identical Android version coming out very soon (at the time of this writing) as well. Grepolis is set in the Age of Antiquity, much like Spartan Wars. Like many MMO strategy games, your […Read More]

Sheep Happens Tips and Tricks Guide: Cheats, Hints and Strategies

Sheep Happens is a new side scrolling endless runner game that’s currently out on iOS, and is coming soon to Android. You play as Perseus, running in the Olympic stadium in Greece, and your goal is simply to run as far as you can and collect as many coins as you can, while jumping on […Read More]