4 Pics 1 Song: Cheats and Answers – All Levels (Levels 6-10)

Welcome to all of the answers to levels 6-10 in 4 Pics 1 Song! Click here to see all of the answers for levels 1-5. Level 6: Level 6-1: Crazy Train. Level 6-2: No Scrubs. Level 6-3: Loser. Level 6-4: Enter Sandman. Level 6-5: Smooth Criminal. Level 6-6: Cough Syrup. Level 6-7: Barbie Girl. Level […Read More]

4 Pics 1 Song: Cheats and Answers – All Levels

4 Pics 1 Song is a game that has become an addiction to almost the same degree as Candy Crush Saga. You may have seen people on Facebook posting, asking what the answer to this song or that song is. There’s a seemingly endless amount of levels in the game, so you can play for […Read More]

Zombies Ate My Friends Tips and Tricks Guide – Cheats, Hints and Strategies

Zombies Ate My Friends is a new, 2D cartoonish zombie adventure from Glu Games, which is set in the town of Festerville. Your goal is to go from level to level, completing various missions, helping Violet and helping to rescue any of the surviving humans from the massive swarm of zombies that has taken over. […Read More]

Lost Island HD(Tiny Tribe): How to get free Diamonds

Lost Island HD, aka Tiny Tribe, is like an iPhone and Android game version of Lost, except a little more light-hearted and less full of weird numbers and hatches. But like the television series, Tiny Tribe puts you in charge of a series of explorers whose plane crashed on a small island full of discoveries, […Read More]

Guide to Lost Island HD (Tiny Tribe): Tips, Tricks, Cheats, Hints and Strategies

Lost Island HD (aka Tiny Tribe) is a game that fans of titles such as Robinson for iPhone and the Tribez will enjoy. This game plays out similarly to an iPhone and iPod touch version of the TV show Lost, putting the player in the position of being plane wrecked on an island, with no […Read More]

Iron Force Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Cheats, Hints and Strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the Iron Force tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. Before you spend your hard earned funds on buying power ups, it’s good to know what exactly the power ups do when you get them. The gun barrel upgrade will increase the […Read More]

Iron Force: Get Free Diamonds and Funds

Iron Force, for iOS and Android, is a tank battling game with two main types of currency, both of which will IMMENSELY aid your efforts in the game. Funds are the main form of currency and are mainly used to buy upgrades for your tank. Diamonds, on the other hand, are used to buy an […Read More]

Battle Run Tips and Tricks Guide: Cheats, Hints and Strategies

Battle Run is a new real time multiplayer running game similar to Fun Run, by the same folks who created Beat the Boss and Beat the Boss 2. In fact, The Boss is actually present as a character in this game. The goal, of course, is to beat the four other people who you are […Read More]

The Drowning Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

The Drowning is a new first person shooter game for the iPhone and iPad, which is also on it’s way to Android in the very near future. The Drowning features console quality graphics, along with innovative control schemes, but the main point is the shooting – your goal is to kill monsters made of oil, […Read More]

Dr. Driving Wiki, Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide Part 2

Welcome to part two of the Dr. Driving beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. When you get coins, you can spend them on upgrades. To get to the upgrades, go to the main menu and tap on the button that looks like a car. Once you go there, […Read More]