Valkyrie Crusade FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 3

Welcome to part 3 of the Valkyrie Crusade beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 2 of the guide. Fighting against enemies or standard bosses won’t cost you any battle points, but battling against archwitches will cost 1 battle point each. The more archwitches you fight and defeat, the higher that you will […Read More]

Valkyrie Crusade FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the Valkyrie Crusade beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. To add to what was previously written, if you run out of room in your territory, you can also expand your territory. Doing so requires you to be at least at level 5, and […Read More]

Valkyrie Crusade FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Valkyrie Crusade! Valkyrie Crusade is a cross between a trading card game and a kingdom building strategy game, and it features many unique twists that make it unlike anything else you will find on either the iPhone or Android. You can build up your kingdom and collect resources, and […Read More]

War of Nations (iOS): How to get new commanders, upgrade and fuse commanders, and get more stars and power cells

War of Nations is GREE and Funzio’s new hardcore MMO war game, for fans of Funzio’s old fare, such as Modern War and Crime City along with fans of games such as Kingdoms of Camelot. Your battles are fought by your troops, but each set of troops has to have a commander. Commanders provide various […Read More]

War of Nations Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2: More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the War of Nations tips and tricks guide! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide! At some point in the game you will probably want to abandon one of your outposts in order to find a better location, such as planting your outpost on a uranium […Read More]

War of Nations (iOS/Android): How to get Titanium and Uranium

In War of Nations, there are four main resources: fuel, iron, money and oil. Even better, though, is that there are two premium resources that you can get in the game, which are Titanium and Uranium. They are not required to be successful in the game, but they are almost required, because they are that […Read More]

King’s Empire (iOS/Android): Get free Gems!

King’s Empire, which sells under three other names in the App Store (Kings Empire Deluxe and King’s Empire: Return to Magic) is a popular strategy game by Tap4Fun, the same company behind Global Threat, Galaxy Empire and Spartan Wars. King’s Empire allows you to collect resources, dominate the kingdoms around you, and even attempt to […Read More]

War of Nations: How to get more gold, base power cores, fusion cores and plasma cores

In War of Nations, there are three different cores. Base power cores, base plasma cores and base fusion cores are all used to power bases, allowing you to either start a new outpost or to capture someone else’s outpost (without the right cores, you have to destroy an outpost rather than capture it). Gold is […Read More]

Supreme Heroes: Get free Supremium!

Supremium is the premium currency in Supreme Heroes. If you don’t have any Supremium, but you want to be competitive especially in the PvP mode, then the word of the day is “Gitchasum!” Luckily, if you don’t want to spend any real life money on Supremium, then there are ways to get it for free. […Read More]

Supreme Heroes Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies

Supreme Heroes is a new superhero-themed card battling game by Electronic Arts and Klicknation for the iPhone and Android platforms. Supreme Heroes is based in the same world as Superhero City, the classic Facebook title, and the premise is similar in that you create your own hero. From there, you equip them with all kinds […Read More]