Aura Kingdom 2: List of Redeem Codes and How To Find More of Them

Aura Kingdom 2 is a new MMORPG for the iOS and Android platforms, but it’s not entirely new. It’s a remake of a game that has been around on the PC for a few years. Like any MMORPG, there is a lot to do, but you can get a Headstart by using the redeem codes […Read More]

Aura Kingdom 2: List of Redeem Codes and How To Find More of Them

Aura Kingdom 2 is a very visually impressive new MMORPG for the iOS and Android platforms, the sequel to the original Aura Kingdom. You can travel through a gigantic 3D world full of quests, with far more manual gameplay than is typical for MMOs. One thing that you can do in this game is enter […Read More]