How to play Bread Kittens for iOS, part 3: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

In the second part of the Bread Kittens beginner’s guide, we discussed battling and more. But there are so many more little details to the game. For example, the bakery, where you can bake more capture bread, as well as bread that can be equipped on your cats, and used to increase their attack and […Read More]

How to play Bread Kittens for iOS, part 2: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

As previously discussed in part 1 of the Bread Kittens beginner’s guide, that little meter at the bottom of the screen – the one that shows up when you battle – determines how many stars you will get for a particular stage. It also determines how fast the super attack meter will charge, though. That’s […Read More]

How to play Bread Kittens for iOS: FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Usually, games that are based off of strange internet memes don’t really do very well, but Bread Kittens, which is ENTIRELY based off of goody 4chanesque caturday memes, is a pretty friggin’ good game. Picture a game sort of like Monster Galaxy, but with nothing but cats, and you have the right idea. You catch […Read More]

Bread Kittens for iOS: How to get free daily spins, meowbux and flour

All you cat lovers out there who enjoy ridiculous cat memes are WRONG if you aren’t playing Bread Kittens. Even outside of the pervasive meme references, it’s a very fun RPG in its own right. Imagine Pokémon with cats, and to power them up, you equip them with bread. To bake that bread you need […Read More]

Guide to Bread Kittens for iOS, part 2: More tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the tips and tricks guide for Bread Kittens! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide. When you are fighting battles in the coliseum, send in the kitten with the highest rarity and the highest stats, and equip them with the best bread that you have. Stop […Read More]

Guide to Bread Kittens for iOS: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

Bread Kittens is a new role playing game for the iPhone and the iPod Touch. If you’re an internet nerd, then this is based off of a meme that you have been seeing since practically the dawn of time. If you’re not, then this is a cute role playing game that is kind of like […Read More]